Diamond Valley 湖

Diamond Valley

Metropolitan built Diamond Valley 湖 as a promise for the future. The vast reservoir, nestled between two hillsides, plays a vital role in how we manage 和 deliver drinking water. 通过储存长达6个月的时间连同我们所有的应急物资储存账户, the reservoir serves as a critical lifeline, helping Southern California get through dry times 和 catastrophes. 它还为植物和动物提供了重要的栖息地,并为社区提供了受欢迎的娱乐设施.

Diamond Valley 湖 serves as an indispensable asset, one that reflects Metropolitan’s commitment to water reliability, environmental stewardship, 和 a climate resilient future for Southern California.

A Lasting Achievement 

Diamond Valley 湖’s story is one of thoughtful planning 和 foresight. 它的建设在20世纪90年代末标志着大都会大胆和历史性的成就. Since then, 该水库帮助我们渡过了充满挑战的水环境, including several multi-year droughts. The reservoir was built to hold enough water to serve nearly 2.4 million Southern California families for a year. It stores up to 810,000 acre-feet of water (264 billion gallons), 当它投入使用时,该地区的地表水储存能力几乎翻了一番.  

Diamond Valley 湖's Forebay facilities
Scenic view of the Diamond Valley 湖 in Hemet.

Environmental Benefits  

水库是保护野生动物和生态系统的自然栖息地. 附近的两个大型自然保护区为如何建设与自然和谐相处的基础设施提供了一个典范. 该水库的开发标志着公私合作的重要先例,通过关注整个生态系统而不是单个栖息地,将环境保护提高到一个新的水平.
读 more about Metropolitan Multi-species Habitat Preservation 和 Protection Program. 

Southwestern Riverside County Multi-Species Reserve

  • About 14,在西南河滨县多物种保护区内,有1000英亩的开放空间被保留下来,该保护区围绕并连接着钻石谷湖和斯金纳湖. 
  • With creation of the reserve, 大都会帮助促成了加州第一个多物种保护协议.  
  • The reserve is home to at least eight types of habitat 和 many sensitive bird, animal 和 plant species.  
  • The reserve contains more than 30 miles of biking, hiking 和 equestrian trails.  

Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve 

  • 圣罗莎高原生态保护区有一些南加州最后的春天池塘,那里养着神仙虾, wintering waterfowl 和 spring wildflowers.  
  • Metropolitan joined Riverside County, 加州野生动物保护委员会和大自然保护协会购买并保护了6个,800 acres.  
  • 这一努力帮助保护了宝贵的土地,同时也获得了开发钻石谷湖的批准,为南加州提供了可靠的供水. 
  • The reserve has a network of multi-use trails, a comprehensive interpretative program, 和 a visitor center. 点击 在这里 for more information. 

Recreational Opportunities & Challenges

钻石谷湖提供了高质量的娱乐机会,可以继续保护我们的饮用水供应,并与自然环境和谐相处. T在这里 are an array of recreational opportunities including boating, 钓鱼, canoeing, kayaking 和 sailing, as well as adjacent multi-purpose trails, bike paths, 和 public park facilities. Amenities include 2.5 miles of shoreline 钓鱼, a marina 和 concession area, 和 park facilities. 

检查 在这里 for more general information about the marina 和 recreation.  

A person 钓鱼 from a boat at sunrise on Diamond Valley 湖
A cluster of quagga mussels held by a person out of water

游客 Information

Diamond Valley 湖 Marina

Located at the eastern end of the lake, the marina 和 concession area offer boat rentals 和 钓鱼 supplies. 检查 在这里 for more information. 点击 在这里 for hours 和 fees.

Recreational Facilities

Adjacent to the reservoir is an aquatic center 和 community park operated by the Valley-Wide Recreation 和 Park District. Swimming, sports fields, fitness trails 和 picnic areas are available.


Panoramic 的观点 can be found at the Clayton A. Record, Jr. Viewpoint.  The Viewpoint offers free admission 和 is open from 8:30 a.m. 到下午4点.m. Thursdays through Sundays. It is 关闭d Easter, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas 和 New Year’s Day. The Viewpoint honors Clayton A. Record, Jr., a fourth generation San Jacinto native who was a dairy farmer, successful businessman 和 distinguished elected official 和 community leader, 作为东部市政水区在大都会董事会的代表,他帮助制定了区域水政策, w在这里 he also served as vice chairman. 

Clayton Record's plaque at a viewpoint on the coast of Diamond Valley 湖

Surrounding Hills & 小径

Diamond Valley 湖’s trails provide access to extraordinary l和scapes, 的观点, 和 seasonal gifts of nature. 徒步旅行者, cyclists 和 equestrians can enjoy a substantial trail system for hiking, cycling 和 horseback riding through the hills surrounding the reservoir.

Aerial view of the North Hills 小径

North Hills Trail

  • 5.9英里,多用途步道沿着北山俯瞰圣哈辛托山谷
  • Open to hikers 和 equestrians year-round
  • 看到 map for east 和 west trailhead access
A hawk spotted at the 湖view trail

湖view Trail

  • 21.8-mile route circling the lake for hikers 和 cyclists
  • Passes along three dams, with 的观点 of the reservoir 和 quarry w在这里 rock used to build the dams was mined
  • Open year-round
  • Trailhead access at the Marina, 2615 Angler Ave., Hemet, CA. 看到 map
A purple wildflower found at the Wildflower Trail

Wildflower Trail

  • 1.3-mile loop extending from the 湖view Trail. Open only during springtime wildflower bloom season. 看到 flower guide 和 map.
  • Trailhead access at the Marina, 2615 Angler Ave., Hemet, CA
  • Parking 和 trail fees apply  

Construction Notables

The construction of DVL’s Don Owen West dam, Carl Boronkay East大坝和Saddle大坝是美国最大的土方工程之一. 该工程在1995年至2000年期间进行,涉及地基开挖超过4000万立方码的土和1.1亿立方码的路堤建设. 一座名副其实的岩石山从水库的南缘移开,横跨谷底,形成两座水坝, 一个2.1 miles long, the other 1.5 miles long, at each end of the 4.5 mile valley. 土芯堆石坝的材料均在工程范围内采购. T在这里 were two rock processing plants set up for the project 和 together, 它们的产量超过了加州任何单一商业加工的能力. The construction equipment used shovels, loaders 和 trucks 是业内最大的,并为土和岩石运动设定了新的标准吗.


使 & Preserving History

DVL的发展是基于我们对服务客户和保护环境的承诺. Along the way came remarkable historical discoveries. For seven years, 两人古生物学小组在山谷的两端188bet棋牌平台,每班10小时, 20-hour days, six days a week, following massive earth-moving equipment. They would find, what many experts consider, a collection of fossils to rival the famous La Brea Tar Pits.  The area was called, “The Valley of the Mastodons.” One of the more famous discoveries was Max the Mastodon. More than two decades after the discovery, 人们确定马克斯是50多年来在北美命名的第一个新的乳齿象物种(太平洋猛犸象), the Pacific mastodon). During excavation, bones 和 skeletons were found from extinct mastodons 和 also mammoth, 骆驼, 懒惰, dire wolf 和 long-horned bison. 

 more about Max 


Archeologists conducting fossil excavations at the Western Science Center